Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Childhood's End

When I was a child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child: but when I became a man, I put away childish things.

1 Corinthians 13:11 (KJV)

I took the title for this post from a novel by Arthur C. Clarke. A fascinating fictional piece that I have not read since about 20 - 25 years ago, but I plan to buy a copy and read it again.

I don't know how to escape this conundrum. No matter how reserved I might try to be, somehow I am probably going to piss in someone's Corn Flakes.  Because I am comparing religious faith to childish belief in fairy tales. I don't know any way to say what I want to say without seeming condescending.

When I consider religion, any religion, it all sounds like fairy tales to me.  If you have faith, read the core tenets of any religion other than your own.  Try Scientology first. (that's always a fun one). You'll likely have to do some Googling... it's not really common knowledge, and you won't find it on their official site.

L. Ron Hubbard is probably still laughing, even though he's been dead for a long time.

Islam, Judaism, Shinto, Greek, Roman or Norse mythology, or Native American lore.  In addition to the spiritual side, they all ascribe supernatural origins and explanation to natural phenomena. Again... read up on the core tenets of Scientology.


(Unfortunately, I have to use a Wikipedia link here... the official Scientology website does not get into the principle of Lord Xenu sending the billions of Thetans in DC-8 style craft to die in Earth's volcanoes due to H-bombs... or something like that.)

Now, as far as I know, most of my friends & relatives come from Christian theologic backgrounds.

Step aside from your sacred cow.  Imagine I am an outsider, or even an alien.  You can not use the power of the sword to convert me, as the Spaniards did in the 1500s.  You must sell me your Sham-Wow by telling me why it makes sense and is the greatest thing ever invented.

Convince me why you are right when you:

Tell the story of your man made from dirt and his rib-woman.

Tell the story of why, when they sinned, we are all tainted.

Tell the story of how all life was confined to a boat while God punished men by killing pretty much everything.  (Including dinosaurs & unicorns?) I guess the fishes & cetaceans got a free pass, yes?

I could go on and on... but ultimately, the core tenet of Christianity is Zombie Jesus.

Yes, he is said to have died and rose again, becoming not unlike the Walking Dead.  And we practice cannibalism by drinking his blood and eating his body.

I do not ask you to explain these tenets.  I ask you to tell me why they are any more sensible than the ludicrous ideas of Lord Xenu and his banished Thetans.

The Bible is true because The Bible says it is true.  Yep.  Got it.  Cha-ching.  No sale.

I do not have the answers, I do not even have all the questions.

But when following the chain of life, evolution, and geology in reverse, I use the principle of Occam's Razor, which in short, says the the simplest solution is the most likely one.

I do not know how the Big Bang came to be. According to Stephen Hawking, there was no time prior, therefore there is no "before" the Big Bang.  That is difficult to comprehend, but so too is an infinite, omnipotent, omniscient God.

I call impasse on this chess game... but I still use Occam's Razor.  I can only speak for myself, and I will not be going door-to-door to proselytize my atheism.  It is a shoe that fits my foot, but I am willing to help you find one if you ever want to discuss it in more detail.

The simplest solution is the one with the fewest parts.  And it keeps a safe from falling on your head. (Please see the following video for a chuckle which emphasizes my point...)

(And here's the entire episode, if you're interested:  http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x1waxo_tom-jerry-designs-on-jerry_fun)

(But do be sure to practice safe sex...)

I'll end with one of my favorite quotes:

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