Friday, August 2, 2013

Nanny State = Brave New World

Whenever I hear the latest news of a particular figure, political, religious or otherwise, attempting to impose their will on myself and others, I am reminded of so many things.  The book Brave New World by Aldous Huxley and Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury spring to mind foremost.  Two different stories, with similar themes. If you want to see a possible future version of the U.S.A., or the world, please read them.  Today's science fiction is tomorrow's science fact. Except both of those are not just science fiction. They are also social commentaries. And we are headed there.

Brave New World touches on genetic engineering, social detachment, and controlling the masses with drugs. Fahrenheit 451 focuses on censorship, but again on social detachment... the protagonist Montag's wife is drug addled and addicted to watching and interacting with "The Family" on the telescreens surrounding her... a precursor to reality TV.

So when I hear about San Francisco banning McDonalds "Happy Meals" or New York City's Mayor Michael Bloomberg's latest assault on individual liberty... my blood boils.

I'll pick on Bloomberg for now, but as the motto of my home state of Virginia says "Sic Semper Tyrannis."
"Thus Always to Tyrants"

Bloomberg and his ilk scare me.  Not the "I can't sleep, give me a hug" and "What's under the bed?" kind of scare me... but "Where and when are you going to stop?" kind of scare me.

I don't know everything Bloomberg has his political and sociological hooks into, but he is far overreaching his authority, and his positions undermine individual liberty. Doesn't matter if you agree with him or not. Sooner or later, he will likely want to slaughter one of your sacred cows. Because he's smart, rich, and knows what's best.

I am a grown adult, have raised two kids that I am proud of... but I still don't always know what's best. It's part of the human experience.  So how the hell can someone who doesn't know me AT ALL know what's best for me?  Or you?

I think of Bloomberg, (I'm surprised I haven't found this as a meme online more often) and am reminded of the 1993 movie Demolition Man with Sylvester Stallone, Wesley Snipes, and the then newly minted Sandra Bullock.

(Bit of trivia here... Not many picked up on this, Sandra Bullock's character was named Lenina Huxley.  That's a direct tribute to Brave New World, which I've read several times.  The protagonist, John Savage's, mother was named Lenina... and the author was Aldous Huxley.  Thus Lenina Huxley.)

Onward with Demolition Man... the simple synopsis is that there is a god-like post-apocalyptic savior of us all from ourselves, in the form of Dr. Raymond Cocteau. The world has become a milquetoast version of itself, with police not carrying weapons, fining for "profanity" and Taco Bell being the only survivor of fast-food wars and serving lettuce pellets or some crap like that.

(Ask yourself... do you like lettuce pellets? I don't, no matter how much hot sauce you put on them.)

Watch the movie if you want... it's got action and violence (what do you expect from Stallone?) and is not bad entertainment. But the social message is far more powerful, in my mind.

Also ask yourself... if you're in San Francisco, and your kids want a Happy Meal, shouldn't you be able to get one?

And then ask yourself... in New York City, if you want the 22 or 36 oz (I don't even know the sizes... you're just asking, remember?) Slurpee®... who am I to tell you that you can't have one?

Forget tobacco.  (Bloomberg is working his way against it, BTW.) I'm not even a smoker and find myself siding with smokers lately!

Forget gun rights. (Bloomberg is trying... and I hope he fails... miserably, even though New York already has some of the most restrictive firearms laws in the U.S.A.)

Tangent alert:  Bloomberg's group is called MAIG (Mayors Against Illegal Guns)  Guess what?  I'm an NRA member, and I'm against ILLEGAL guns too! (gasp!) Mr. Mayor has a hidden agenda, however. He wants to keep firearms out of the hands of as many people as possible. Of course, in a Utopian world with no guns, there would be no gun violence. But putting guns back into the secret treasure chest of Pandora is like putting drugs, alcohol, or cigarettes back.  It ain't gonna happen.

So where does Mr. Mayor stop?  He wants his Senators and Representatives to carry his social control virus to Washington D.C.  He may even run for President again. If so, I hope he doesn't make it out of the primaries.

I don't want a 32 oz Slurpee® but if you want one, I want you to have it.

I've posted it before, and will again. This is a clip of the anti-hero Denis Leary from the aforementioned Demolition Man, when he finally confronts Stallone and his "good guys."

A little more reading, if you wish:

Is Mayor Bloomberg Pushing Us Towards a Dark Future?

I was at a pet store yesterday. I watched the hamsters, mice, gerbils and fish. They are all probably quite happy in their little glass enclosures. They have food, water, a place to sleep, someone cleans their waste, a wheel to exercise on.  What a life... all taken care of.  They may even imagine themselves free, for the glass gives an illusion of a bigger world.  They apparently don't have minds as we envision, otherwise we'd have hamsters with pitchforks and torches marching on the HQ of PetCo.

But is that the life you want to lead? My mind is infinite. I don't know everything, and never shall. But for someone to hobble me, physically or mentally is reprehensible.

The next step after Brave New World and Fahrentheit 451 is 1984.

Scary shit.

If you don't wake up, then you have reason to be afraid, for your freedom at least. And I'm not going to come and look under your bed for you.

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