Monday, January 20, 2014

OMG! Dolphin Bacon!

The Japanese are killing sea creatures.

"The water will turn red will their blood"

Frozen in time, the headline had so much imperitus
meaning to the intern... but it sounded good.

They've since corrected their grammar... but you get the idea.

And in other news...

On any given day, approximately 7,042 beef cows are slaughtered.  And about 166 veal calves, 26,348 pigs, and 505 head of sheep.

And, last but not least, figuring approximately 5 lbs per bird, there were 12,602,740 chickens who met their demise every day. Choke on that McNugget and wash it down with a Coca-Cola.

But at least CNN is not biased.

Some animal rights activists go so far and would have you believe the deep fryer at McDonalds is no different than the ovens at Auschwitz.  That trivializes and dehumanizes the horror of the holocaust... I won't approach that issue, for now.

Why are cetaceans more or less deserving than our bovine friends?  Because they're cute?  Or seem "smart" while cows are "dumb?"


I despise waste of life, and am not a fan of factory farms.  But unless you want to pay $19.95 per pound for your beef, it is a fact of life.

Unless you are a vegan, or at least a vegetarian... YOU are part of those numbers.

DO NOT lecture me about the morality of killing a deer vs a cow, or a sheep vs a dolphin.

And bacon simply is ambrosia of the gods.

In short, why does CNN inflame passions?  Because they can. But I repeat... unless you are a devout vegan... SHUT THE FUCK UP!


(My numbers are based upon total slaughter statistics divided by 365)

USDA Slaughter Statistics

USDA Poultry Statistics

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